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Top Bookshops to Visit in Cambridge

Top Bookshops to Visit in Cambridge (after your Town & Gown Tour)

Sarah Key Books: The Haunted Bookshop

9 St Edward’s Passage, Cambridge CB2 3PJ 

Red painted doorway into a cozy bookshop filled with piles, shelves and stacks of colorful books
Sarah Key Books: The Haunted Bookshop welcomes visitors

A quaint bookshop with some real hidden gems, The Haunted Bookshop is located on St Edward’s Passage and happens to be next door to one of our favourite cafes. The Haunted Bookshop may look small from the outside, but inside the shop is stacked with books. Sarah Key Books has been specialising in children’s and illustrated books since 1987 and since 1993 has occupied the Haunted Bookshop. As well as fine collection of children’s literature, the Haunted Bookshop also features some wonderful works on Cambridge and is full of rare and collectable items. It is also home to the ghost of the white lady, making it a must for both literary and ghost enthusiasts.

Opening times: Monday - Saturday (10am - 5pm), Sunday closed.

G. David Bookseller

16 St Edward’s Passage, Cambridge CB2 3PJ

A charming independent bookshop selling antiquarian books and prints/maps alongside second hand and new books at reduced prices, G. David is a must for all bibliophiles. Pick up classical works of literature for pocket-friendly prices or explore the wonderful section devoted to local Cambridge history and literature where you can find works such as Period Piece, the memoir written by Gwen Raverat the granddaughter of Charles Darwin about Cambridge society. G. David really is everything you could want from an independent bookshop. Ever-present in Cambridge for almost 150 years, David’s bookshop has been buying and selling books here since 1896. Tucked away on St Edward’s passage next to St Edward King and Martyr Church, G. David is just seconds away from King’s Parade and Market Square and is a must see during your visit to Cambridge. 

Opening Times: Tuesday - Saturday (10am - 4pm), Sunday & Monday Closed 

Cambridge University Press 

1-2 Trinity St, Cambridge CB2 1SZ

A building with a white brick ground floor with books visible through the windows
Cambridge University Press bookshop is located across from Great St Mary's Church

A tourist attraction in its own right, the Cambridge University Press bookshop sits on the oldest bookshop site in Britain. Yes, there has been a bookshop at number one Trinity Street since 1581!

It is now under the ownership of Cambridge University Press which happens to be the oldest publishing house in the world, dating back to 1534. So the world’s oldest publishing house meets the UK oldest bookshop site right at the heart of Cambridge. Next to Great St Mary’s church and opposite the Senate House, it is a prime location and is definitely worth a visit. Covering almost every academic subject from anthropology to zoology, you are sure to find something which covers your interests.

Opening Times: Monday - Saturday (10am-5:30pm), Sunday (11am-5pm)


20 Trinity St, Cambridge CB2 1TY

Heffers has been selling books in Cambridge since 1876 and is located on the historic Trinity Street, directly opposite Trinity College. Now part of the Blackwell group (an Oxford publishing house, but we’ll forgive them!), Heffers offers a vast range of titles in a variety of subjects. There is an impressive collection of historical works including a fine Loeb library collection. Don’t miss out on the large basement which, among other collections, contains a section devoted to second hand books - perfect if you’re looking for an inexpensive purchase to commemorate your time in Cambridge and add to your personal collection. Open seven days a week and often into the evening, there should be plenty of time to pop in to Heffers during your time in Cambridge.

Opening Times: Monday - Saturday (9am-7pm), Sunday (11am-5pm).


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